The Aatrix module 5-1-11 Certified Payroll Forms checks date range first.
For executives and salaried employees, no date is entered in payroll lines. Some employees are also exempt from certified payroll reporting.
The hierarchy for certified payroll reporting should check for payroll record status not = "5-Void" then "Certified Payroll" = "Yes" , then report dates.
Arranging the criteria in this fashion will eliminate the "DateValue" error received when running 5-1-11 Certified Payroll Forms where payroll records have either been voided or exempt employees who have no date worked are with in the report date range.
by: Cheryl W. | over a year ago | Payroll
Certified payroll is not intended for executives and salaried individuals. It is for hourly field workers who you must pay a minimum hourly wage plus benefits. If you need to report executives or salaried people then you need to complete the grid with dates and hours.