It would be nice to automatically pull in costs for a job in the Service module. Similar to T&M, but I would like to be able to edit right in the grid.

It should pull in PO receipts, A/P invoices, inventory allocations, hours (both computed and uncomputed payroll), and I would also like the option to add more parts/labour by hand.

It is nearly impossible to edit a T&M invoice, and since an regular 3-2 invoice actually does nothing (i.e. no inventory or COGS transactions), we need an easier method.


  • Agree. Right now all cost information must be manually entered in service to invoice. Why duplicate efforts when the costs are already posted from A/P, payroll, etc? This would be a huge time savings for us as we look for ways to improve efficiency and eliminate error.

  • An easier method would be if the job cost records contained the part number and quantity, and job cost records were created as listed in the "lines" tables (AP invoice lines, inventory allocation lines, etc). From there, all you would need to do is create a query filtered by job, showing part numbers and quantities, and you could complete your S/R invoice without having to look anywhere else. I've created an idea for adding part numbers and quantities to the job cost table here: