For anyone running certified reports through Aatrix.

It would be helpful if Aatrix knew if the user was the Contractor or the Subcontractor so this information could automatically fill in and not have to be re-typed for every week, every job.


  • Along with the Week Number

  • Yes Please... This is way past due. Aatrix should have the ability to pull in all of the information from Sage and track the certified payroll number. The current Aatrix setup is useless since it takes so long to manually fill in all of the information for every single job.

  • As I have mentioned in many comments regarading Aatrix Forms - I have used Sage (Master Builder) since Master Builder 3 (1990). Before Aatrix Forms were implemented the Certified Payroll Reports used to have all the information you needed. I don't know why the Aatrix Forms don't. I have never like them.

  • This is a very big problem. It is unreasonable to have to manually fill out the data each time, especially for static company / project information. With so many advancements to the system and technology, how could this not have been done already? This needs to be addressed.