I have a client who wants to allow their employees to enter their own payroll hours into Daily Payroll Entry (5-5-1) without the employees being able to see what others are being paid or accidentally altering payroll hours, job numbers or cost code entries made by other employees.

Example: I’m the last employee to enter my hours for the pay period and I go into 5-5-1 to enter my hours. I am to click on the drop-down tab to select my name and click on the calendar to select my entry date. At this point, I’m able to view and edit every entry that has previously been entered on that calendar date which is awaiting processing. There needs to be an option to have each individual line in the grid automatically locked upon save; only allowing the Supervisor to unlock for editing.


  • Delivered in version# 23.1 for customers that have subscription entitlements. Employees can enter time in screen 5-6 Simple Time Entry.