Would like to have a status button Active/Inactive button for a vendor. Inactive vendors shouldn't show up on any drop-down list (my list of vendors is getting extremely long but some haven't been used in a few years). Then if a vendor is needed again, simply click back to Active and request updated info from the vendor.


  • I agree. Would be very helpful

  • Can I VOTE for this more than once?

  • This would be extremely helpful. Not only could the drop-down lists be shorter, but vendor listings could be run by active, inactive or both.

  • PLEASE???

  • Amen.

  • In the meantime you can add the Vendor Type "Inactive" in the 4-4 vendor window. Click the arrow that is curved next to Vendor Type, add the type "Inactive", change vendors to this type if they are inactive. After doing this when you search for vendors your "inactive" vendors will be sorted out from active vendors types.
    Hope this helps!

  • If you open 4-4 and hit F4 to search vendors, there are vendor types on the side. If you set up Inactive as a type, you can view them (like mentioned above). HOWEVER, whatever type you clicked on last SHOULD be the one that comes up next time you open it because it's supposed to be what's referred to as "sticky". This does not work because it also opens as "All Vendors" and not what you clicked on last. So some fix here would be very appreciated!