Sage 100 Contractor
You can sort alpha to choose the invoices to pay, but you can't print the report of chosen vendors by alpha. It will only print by vendor number. All of my vendors are filed alphabetically in the file drawers, so if I am pulling the invoices to pay, why can't the "Set to Pay Report" be printed alphabetically???


  • You can fix this yourself by Modifying the report. Assuming you're using the 4-3-1-21 report: click Modify Report at the top of the print reports window. Then Select EDIT at the top left>click on Grouping/Sorting. From this screen look in the Tables Column on the left side and click on the + to open Accounts Payable. In the Fields columns on the Right side you'll see Vendor Name. Dbl-click on that to add it to the grouping/sorting area. Rt Click on the vendor# to delete that sort and drag the Vendor Name button to the far left so it shows a small #1 in the button to indicate the first sort will go on this field. Vendor Name will have a #1 and Record will have a #2. - then click OK.
    In the Report Title Field: Change the name of that report to say something unique by adding a 1 in front of it, or whatever. (ex: 1-Set to Pay Report). Click SAVE.
    I revised this report and tested it before replying to your question - it worked great. :) hope this helps you!

  • Thank you Sherry. That worked!!