Worker's Comp Report: When exporting into Excel, the report creates a blank line between each record which makes it cumbersome when creating pivot tables, as I would have to delete each blank line. The report also due to long column heading puts some values in the line below the record row (which actually creates the blank line)
by: kalvir d. | over a year ago | Payroll
Can you please set-up the print to Excel function so that the data prints in manner in Excel that a user can easily pivot off the data. Basically the print to Excel function is useless at this point since each job prints on a separate worksheet. Information not in all the same row for each record Sage 100 needs to looking at this functionality. Must accountants are looking to pivot off the data in Excel so please have the reports print in a more user database format. I feel like I spend more time spinning my wheels in Sage 100 at this point. We are a new user and my level of confidence in reports and queries is lacking. I spend a lot of time validating the "canned" reports in Sage before using them and more times and then none they are not accurate. At this point I would not recommend Sage 100 to any other company.
Agreed - Reports and queries need to do a true "data dump" to Excel without spacing, page breaks, header and footer info per page.
100% agree! Not just for Work Comp reports, but ALL reports need to be more Excel friendly for filtering and pivot tables. Spending too much time to manually delete blank lines and unneeded header/footer lines in order to add filters and use pivot tables.
I was able to have a better excel format for reports by creating a "Blank" form (basically create a new form, but don't put any information on it, then save it). Then for reports that you commonly export to excel, use this blank form as the form type. You get the report headers (because that's part of the report, not the report form), and without all the extra crap from the report form.