I understand the address field on this screen (6-6-1) is for the "Ship To:" field when printing the Purchase Order (PO). Currently the field is populated with the address from the 3-5 "General Information" tab screen (the Client address) when a job number is entered. As this is not where some system users may want the products from their vendors to be shipped, when creating a PO, time must be taken to over-write the information within this and the other address fields, to reflect where the product is to be shipped. It would easier for your users to be able to populate a display window once with the various addresses and then select the specific address from this window there after when creating a PO, thus saving valuable time and monies of those completing the PO. Users with multiple production facilities or job sites would be interested in this enhancement.


  • I agree! I run into this issue almost every time I create a PO. I would like to be able to type in the shipping address for the materials and have it show up on the PO. Sometimes we want the materials to go to the job site, sometimes to one or the other of our offices. The way the PO input is set up now, I have to save the PO to a PDF file and then use the typewriter feature of Foxit Reader to overwrite the ship-to address.

  • I agree we have the same problem. must of our items need to go to our storage warehouse before ever making to a job and i have to enter the address every time. I even created a default for those fields on the PO but Sage overwrites it to the job address every time.