Currently when equipment time /use is allocated through Daily Payroll it won't compute T&M properly since it forces a job cost record manual adjustment in the T&M tab in order to finish computing an invoice. Sage Support explained that I must allocate equipment through Equipment Allocation (this is a whole new issue), still doesn't work right & it also makes separating equipment costs & revenue by departments a nightmare. Currently we have for instance an excavator that is used in our residential, excavation & marine departments. If I want to allocate equipment time per department I must 1st go into the equipment & change the department, then post through equipment allocation, then in daily payroll or payroll records post the employees time on that equipment. It would be great if I could post payroll & equipment in one place all at once like I do now without the system requiring me to manually adjust the job cost record before computing T&M invoices.


  • Kim, i found out that there is actually an option for this. Use the Equipment "rental columns" for the amount of time you want to bill for the equipment. And this will work iwth t&M billing.
    The used columns are for cost tracking and the rental are for billing in the Daily payroll entry screen.