Requested new Job Status' ... PLEASE!!!

We need another job status for use when the job is 100% done in the field but we have not been paid in full yet. The problem is we have so many jobs where we are waiting for payment but the job is done in the field that our job list is listing jobs that are no longer active.

Can we have a status called "Inactive"? We could use this for jobs that are 100% done in the field but the Controller knows that we still need payment. These projects are not "complete" nor are they "closed"...but they are "inactive" because we are no longer in the field. This would be listed above the "completed" and "closed" status'.

Also... how about another job status called "Cancelled"? We have bids that are "refused" but we've also had jobs that got "cancelled". It would be nice to have the exact verbiage available. This would be listed after the "refused" status.


  • We use "Complete" to mean work is finished, A/P invoices have come in, and customer has been final billed but we are waiting on final payment.

    We use "Closed" to mean we have received final payment.

    You can make a job "inactive" by changing the status to "refused" or "closed" then click on"Inactive Record" under the Edit menu.

  • I don't need more statuses, but I would like to be able to modify the description like change "Current" to "Scheduled", or add "Scheduled" between "Current" and "Complete", so when we sync to ExakTime we can set only the jobs who's status is "Scheduled".

  • How about allowing user-defineable job status setup (like what is available for Client Status)

  • I agree with making the status editable. Everyone had unique needs and what works for me, might not work for someone else.

  • Editable Job Status or adding user defined Statuses between the default ones would be nice with a the choice of whether they will be included in the archive process if possible.

  • I agree editable job statuses would be great.

  • this is a big issue for our employees as well. we can't find the jobs that are done but unpaid in an easy efficient way.
    I have already changed the columns I see in the 3-5 screen when using lookup, to see BALANCE but that doesn't tell me if the work is done.
    we use a field on the 3-5 screen manually to tell us if the job is a job, or complete, too many manual workarounds because there are not enough status options. please give us option to add our own.

  • I would love to be able to create our own status selections. Maybe give 12 options, 6 being hard coded and 6 being something the business can setup based on their needs. I would like to be able to add "Active" or "In Progress" so that the reporting can be broken up a bit. We have thousands of "Bids" and "Current" is too much of a catch all bucket. Current as in what? Current with crews on the job? Current waiting for payment? It is too general especially when running Job Status Reports.

  • I agree with the editable job statuses! That would super helpful!

  • Another option that would be greatly appreciated would be an On Hold job status option.

    For example, often times we will develop a prototype for a company which is then reviewed and edited by their engineers. This process can sometimes take months, and having the option to place a job on hold until we hear from them would be fantastic, as would not having them appear on the current list.

    And yes, I know your cs reps have suggested I could add and filter based on job type, but why force users to use another filter when this should be incredibly easy?