I just started working for a company I used to work for from 2007 to 2010 and back then, I used this functionality hundreds of times a day. When I attempted to use it upon my return, sadly, I found it to be broken/not work.
According to the Appendix it should still work, however, despite a call to Tech Support, we have verified it most assuredly does not.
This functionality is critical to the efficiency of our organization and needs to be addressed in a timely manner. Currently, with a parts database over 30,000 items with PO's that often total over 50 items at a time, we cannot waste time scrolling through thousands of parts when a simple wildcard search for a word in the description would return the result in seconds.
by: David B. | over a year ago | Project Management
Agreed. The idea list says that this was already completed but it definitely was not. In the 3-6 Receivable Clients window I cannot do a wildcard *F4 search for an existing client record. It does not work in the data box, or the dropdown list.
This poses a problem because if you don't type the exact match in your search, you will not see the client record, and then a duplicate can be created.
This is frustrating, especially when this is such a simple concept. Please allow wildcard searches for ALL data fields in ALL modules.
Thank you
I think you might be misunderstanding the intended use. Use *F4 when searching for a record that is NOT the primary table. For example, if you were to search for a client in the 3-5 jobs window, you could use *F4 then. If you are trying to look up a client in the 3-6 Clients window, you can create a query (the binoculars) to search various fields however you like (eg. make a search criterion that says "Client Name Contains _____", and it will function exactly like *F4). Alternatively, you can also use the lookup table/dropdown arrow in the top left corner.
Definitely need these Wildcard searches. That is imperative to help avoid duplicates in many areas. Especially clients. Ultimately though, it just changes the flexibility of your search overall. Having the exact first letters creates time consuming searches that are inefficient.