At present, there are limits to the number of rows available in these screens, despite there being more digits in the database that relate to the line number on the screen. For example, you can only enter 999 lines on a progress bill, but the field length for line in the database is 9 integers. When you attempt to add or insert a line past the limit, you will get an error message. I believe proposals and budgets are limited to 999 and cost codes are limited to 9999. As we work with larger clients with the SQL databases, these limits are being encountered with more frequency.

I have experienced this limit on a few different clients and it seems to be a hold over from the old database performance issues. I have been able to populate a progress bill with over 1000 lines using a database editor in V19, and it works, including appending change orders, however it is a bit slow. The progress bill report prints just fine as well. I have yet to migrate that database to V20 but I expect performance will be better.

From what I can see, the limit is a function of the object used to present the grid. I first encountered it on the cost code screen so i though it was a hard limit. Since the limit is 999 on the AIA, it appears to be a configurable limit.

I am sure there are other places where that limit exists and if the database can support more lines per screen, then I suggest they be expanded as well. In the latest V20, many fields were expanded and that was a great enhancement. I believe this will have a similar impact.
