We are a Cost Plus Construction Company. We provide a Detailed Backup of all costs to the client. To do this, we have to create a Time and Material Invoice as well as Progress Billing (to track the budget). This creates a double A/R so then I have to void the T&M Invoice. This means that anything on that T&M invoice is now locked (can't be edited or changed or a subcontract added to an invoice where the contract was left off in error, etc). Would like a report to show the detail, which then becomes a "billed" cost and cannot be captured again.


  • If you use MS SQL Server Studio, you can do a query something like "UPDATE jobcst SET bllsts = 2 WHERE jobnum = XXXXX AND trndte < 'XXXX-XX-XX' ". Additionally, I saw another idea that suggested you should be able to update the billing status for multiple cost records at once. Vote for it here: