Under Project Dates and Sales Information - the Actual Sales price should calculate itself. It should be the contract amount +/- change orders. We should not have to manually enter these amounts, especially when you're doing 30-50 jobs per month.
by: Edith F. | over a year ago | Accounts Receivable
As you already know, the field "Actual Sale Price", is actually a simple string field that can be relabeled by an administrator and used as any static number. (a user defined field). The number inputted in this field is not where you should be looking for the information you need.
The information you are looking for can be found at the bottom of the 3-5 screen in the button labeled "Contract Summary". In this button you will find the original contract amount + Change Orders = New Contract Value, Invoiced to Date, information and the balance of any open change orders. The data is updated automatically.
I hope this helps.