I know this would require a major redesign, but it's necessary. The design of having S/R separate from A/R creates double the work, increased likelihood of errors, and fewer reporting options for accounts receivable staff.
If every type of receivable invoice was posted and tracked in one table (actrec, instead of actrec and srvinv), users would have a wider selection of reports available to them, but would also be able to look in one spot.
It doesn't make sense when trying to figure out what a client owes, that you have to look in two spots (S/R and A/R). It should be as simple as looking in one spot and seeing the totals. Clients and accounts receivable staff don't care if the invoice was from Service or the 3-2 screen.
I imagine it could work exactly like how the 3-7 screen works. When the 11-2 invoice gets posted, it creates a 3-2 invoice and cannot be edited in 3-2. If the invoice needs to be modified, it gets modified from the 11-2 screen. 3-2 Invoice number would default to the 11-2 Work Order Number for simple reference.
by: Ryan B. | over a year ago | Accounts Receivable