Similar to the way that Sage now allows for multi-year financials, PLEASE provide ability to have multi-year payroll.

*There is such a short opportunity to archive payroll before 1st payroll of the new year that it forces people to cut short their Holidays, vacations, etc. to come in & get the job done
*The process typically takes HOURS, during which time all other users must be out of database
*There typically are "issues" encountered and the process needs to be done again
*Sage isn't open during adequate hours to help resolve problems
*During the time Sage Support IS open, the Chat Que line is VERY long as many other people are also encountering issues. ONe must continuously keep an eye on their place in the que line so that they don't miss their opportunity to chat with a support rep.


  • Amen!

  • Also, when running Workers comp for periods that don't start on January 1, eg period September to August

  • This is the reason we use ADP.

  • Yes, we do not use a calendar year fiscal year. Having to go back to the payroll archive is very cumbersome.

  • Sad to see this request was generated over a year ago. happy I saw it now, as that person putting in the hours at year end is ME! I'm sure as the CFO, others out there are feeling the same pain. A lot to do at a time of year when it would be nicer to vacation with the rest of the fam!

  • Delivered in version# 24.2.