I would like to see Addenda information added to Vendor ACH Payments. I propose two options:
1) For a vendor that does not have 'Separate check for each invoice checked in the 4-4 Vendors - Invoice Defaults, the addenda would default to the Account# field in Vendors 4-4 - Financial Information.
2) For a vendor that has the 'Separate check for each invoice checked in the 4-4 Vendors - Invoice Defaults, the addenda would default to the invoice number being paid.
Option 1 would require the generated NACHA file to have line 6 of the total amount being paid, (already being done) AND a new line 7 for the Addenda with the Account#
Option 2 would require the generated NACHA file to have a separate line 6 with the amount of each invoice being paid and a line 7 for each invoice.
Generating a separate line 6 is similar to what is already being done within payroll for employees that have multiple accounts for direct deposit.
I have received multiple requests from vendors that they don't need to receive the remittance e-mails when we pay via ACH, if we were to include the information in the Addenda of the ACH batch.
Respectfully Submitted
by: Nick E. | over a year ago | Accounts Payable