The terms in AR and AP, ##DY, ##TH or ##MO should be expanded. For instance being able to pay at the end of the 2nd month after invoice date would be nice, example 60TH, perhaps


  • Yes, it would be nice to have more choices up to and including a custom. I have a couple of vendors that pay the same month but 2 months out. For instance invoice dated 10-Jan is due 5-Mar

  • TH terms should not be locked down to just days of a month, but days into months following the month of the invoice

  • We have vendors who have a cutoff date for their statement and anything after that rolls two months. You could create a statement cutoff day with an option for the # of months to roll ahead after the cutoff date. You could add a spot to even enter an invoice date and then test the term set up to make sure it is working properly. Thank you!