Sage 100 Contractor launches incredibly slowly even on top of the line new hardware (Intel i9,64GB RAM). It's time to invest in improving the launch performance as well as becoming a 64bit app to take full advantage of modern hardware.
by: Garrett J. | over a year ago | Other
it is not user hardware, it's how fast the SQL server is and how many company files (including archive sets) there are...when you open Sage and pick your server, it checks that server and scans each company file to see if you are a user of said company. Depending on server load and network speed, this may be why you have these load issues.
Make sure your workstation is at gigabit network speed, check your ping times to said SQL server, and what the load on said SQL server is. If that does not resolve issue, how many company files (including archives) are on the SQL server instance?