We like the notes Delivered in version# 24.1.One comment from staff is that it would be nice if when you select a vendor or purchase order that has an "important note" that it would be helpful if that note popped up when entering an invoice against the PO or vendor so that you don't have to open the vendor record or PO record to see if there is a note that needs to be considered.
by: Debbie D. | over a year ago | Accounts Payable
Yes, this would be very helpfull!
Not just between AP, POs and Vendors, but it would really help if Important Notes in 3-6 Clients could show up if the client was used in 3-5 Jobs and 11-2 Work Orders. A note to not accept new work from a problem client could pop up when a problem client is entered in 11-2 or 3-5.