For anyone who uses Sage 100 Contractor and processes payroll in-house, the Employee # field in Sage 100 Contractor should SHOW more characters. We would like to request to have more characters to show on Payroll reports, to include leading zeros. We are integrating Sage 100 Contractor with a new online Program, Arcoro (previously Birddog) and would like to SHOW a 3-character or 4-character field for the Employee # when creating any Payroll Reports? For example, if we had a 3-character field, the Employee #1, it would show as #001, Employee #10, it would show #010. If we had a 4-character field, Employee #99, it would show #0099, etc. If you were to edit this field, it will allow the integration of both programs to run smoothly without errors and will prevent additional steps to upload critical information. I understand the Sage 300 program offers this same feature in the Employee field, and I would assume the Sage 100 Contractor is similar in structure.
I appreciate your efforts in editing this particular field.
by: Kristen G. | over a year ago | Payroll