We have multiple users working at the same time in Service module; creating and saving records. When using the “NEXT” feature, two users could start a record within seconds of each other and both be assigned the same Work Order # and Invoice #; causing duplicates when the records are saved. However, if we remove the “NEXT” feature and allow for the next highest number to be applied to both fields when the record is saved, Sage is setting the Work Order # to the next highest # correctly, but matching the Invoice # field to the Work Order field; not allowing them to be independent of each other to establish the next highest number in each field. Our Invoice # does NOT match our Work Order #, therefore, we need for Sage to add an option to allow the Invoice # field on a Work Order to be different than the Work Order # when the “NEXT” option is not applied; simply applying the next largest number based on records previously saved for that field on its own.
by: Nicholas L. | over a year ago | Service Receivables