You've added the 'certified payroll' tab at 3-5 Jobs, BUT, you still haven't added REQUIRED CAL DIR fields for the Aatrix reports. We still need the following to auto-populate in Aatrix: Contractor PWCR field / the awarding body ID number / DSLE Project ID number / contractor license type / work comp or self insured boxes with the corresponding policy number filled in / contractor email address / awarding body project number.
As it is now, I need to copy / paste all of these details for each Aatrix cell from my Excel cheat sheet for EVERY job, EVERY week. Tiresome & tedious, when my software SHOULD be auto-populating them for me!
Oh - and the 'Contract With' field on Aatrix seems to be pulling from the WRONG place, because it shows that the contact is with OUR OWN COMPANY!?
by: K. K. | about a year ago | Payroll
Some of these fields apply company wide, for every project, and could be entered at 7-1, while some fields are project specific, and would need to be entered at 3-5.