When we pay sales tax on Non-Taxable materials from Home Depot, for example, we need to track the NON-Taxable amount (tax paid at source) just the same as the Taxable amount (use tax due). Sage calculates the Use tax due, but the system will not allow a negative number to be entered (tax paid at source) when entering an accounts payable invoice. Currently, we have to enter a separate line in the payable invoice of the taxes paid (thus debiting the Use tax payable account) and add notes to include the nontaxable gross amount, tax district number & tax rate on the g/l or g/j report. The report needs to be exported to Excel, which does not export very well, and manipulated to get the information needed to take the deduction on the Excise Tax Report (Washington State). This is time-consuming and there is not enough space in the description area to include notes on report. Having the ability to enter a negative to the calculated use tax would be a great solution to the ongoing Use Tax issue that comes up. The Use Tax report would include the invoice total for Taxable (a positive number or Use Tax Due) and the invoice total for Non-Taxable (a negative number or Tax Paid at Source).
This would save so much time for many!!
by: Kelly J. | 11 months ago | Accounts Payable