When a Quick Report is exported to MS Excel (whether a stock report or one created by the customer), it is not in a clean Excel format. For example, data includes page breaks, extra rows between page breaks, and data does not start in cell A1 (ex: Employees~by Last Name), i.e. is not in a table-friendly format.
Please have Quick Reports export cleanly (in a table-friendly format) to MS Excel.
This would benefit everyone, especially those that use MS Excel in their offices.
by: Philip E. | 9 months ago | Other
For amplifying detail, after having watched some of the SageU training on modifying reports and forms:
There are many times when just the data is needed (tables and rows), in that how the report/form appears on a printed page does not matter. Example: an expanded Employee List with 40 columns. Just want the data, in Excel, clean (40 columns, X number of rows, no page breaks).
Thank you.
I couldn't agree more with this request. Downloading most reports to Excel from Sage requires quite a bit of work to get a finished product.