Currently, when executing a VI job from a batch job or other application - such as a web script - when there is no interactive user on the console - there is no way to handle providex errors.

For example, if you have any random error in a providex job, or temporarily out of licenses, or job is busy/in-use - those errors generate a dialog box. With an unattended job, there are two possibilities:

1. The dialog is displayed, but not seen - cause there is no one looking at the console - and locks up the job (and anything dependent on it) until someone clicks in the dialog to close it.


2. The dialog CAN'T be seen because the background job can't interact with the desktop - making it IMPOSSIBLE to click any button in it - even if someone were watching, which they aren't.

In both of these cases, it would be ideal to have a 'UIBATCH' type of option that would tell VI to "generate an error in the log, but don't display any UI error dialog".
