• Votes


    The ability to print amendments on invoices In A/R Invoice Data Entry

    In A/R Invoice Data Entry - after amending an invoice (such as changing/adding a PO), let that new info. now print on the invoice. Would make it easier when emailing to ...
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    receipt of goods and receipt of invoices linked

    When entering receipt of invoice after a receipt of goods has been entered, the invoice should automatically link to the receipt of goods and not to the entire PO. The ...
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    5-5-1 (creating timecards in daily payroll) from ExakTime it imports ...

    When importing ExakTime into 5-5-1 and creating timecards it imports by employee number, it would be nice to import alphabetically.
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    Add remittance cover sheet to wire transfer

    It would be helpful if a remittance advice was an option to print with the invoice detail when posting a wire transfer payment in manual check posting. The batch needs a ...
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    Purge PO receipt history by date

    Add option to purge receipt history by date (similar to AR invoice history). Purge only for POs that do not exist in the Open PO file or the PO History file.
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    Invoice Data Entry Screen should show all information at the same time ...

    On the Invoice Data entry screens, everything should show at the same time (Header, Lines, Totals Tab). It would make navigation easier for new users by displaying the ...
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    Positive Pay Report needs to be saved in Paperless Office

    When you print the Positive Pay Report, it needs to be saved in Paperless Office just like other Journals/Registers.
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    Price Level by Customer Maintenance

    Ability to select ALL prod lines instead of creating several rows
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    Inactive items are ignored in all manufacturing modules

    Unless I am missing a setting or multiple settings, it appears that I can add inactive items in Bill Of Materials and Production Management without any warning here are ...
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    Don't print leading zeros on checks for the check number in Accounts ...

    Have the ability to eliminate the leading zeros from printing on the check.
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    Provide ability to click on column headers to sort during AP Invoice ...

    Since the selection button was added the ability to sort by column headers in AP Invoice Payment Selection has gone away as well. There is the sort button however this ...
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    Option to remove Public Favorites

    For customers not using Public Favorites would like the option to hide them in Sage. For customers coming from older versions where that was not an option if Public is ...
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    Paperless E-Mail Options for Ship to

    In "Customer Maintenance --> Paperless Delivery Options" You have a the ability to add multiple emails to send invoices to. What I would like is on the "Customer ...
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    - Direct Deposit Account Number in Employee Maint width increase

    A Customers needs "1" more digit in the Bank Account Number Field for Employee Direct Deposit and states: This is a no brainer that they should increase by at least five ...
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    Paperless Office - Production Management Module

    Add support for the PM module to capture Work Ticket Printing into Paperless Office.
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    AP reverse check run, option to select just ACH payments

    I keep hearing from customers that paid vendors, both checks and ACH payments, but forgot to change the paperless output from "Print Only". They don't need to reverse ...
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    Application Server Configuration should not use a Sage User License

    Since the Application Sever Configuration program does not allow access to any function of the Sage Business Desktop it should not require an available User License in ...
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    Customer Maintenance Invoices Tab Date Sort is Wrong v. 2023

    If you setup the default sort order for the Invoices Tab of Customer Maintenance in the A/R Module to Ascending Date, it instead sorts it by Invoice TYPE. This is a ...
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    Have the ability to see the source journal in Production Management ...

    When going into a work ticket entry or work ticket inquiry for any of the tabs that relate to transactions (Labor, Materials, Direct Costs) there is no drill down to ...
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    Option to lock quotes to prevent charges from posting will in quote ...

    Option to lock all quotes so cost are not posted. Some may want to post quoting times to their non-orders; however, others do not. It creates a wip issue and much time ...