The AR module currently allows setting a memo on a customer that is automatically displayed. Provide similar functionality for AP so a memo can be set on a vendor.
by: Nathan N. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
by: Nathan N. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
The AR module currently allows setting a memo on a customer that is automatically displayed. Provide similar functionality for AP so a memo can be set on a vendor.
by: Nathan N. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Isn't this already available in 4.3?
If it is, I haven't seen it. It's definitely there for customer maint screen in A/R, but not for vendor maint in A/P.
Mark, you may want to look again. I see it.
Ergh... Ok. I just looked again, and now I see it... very confused now. Oh well... This suggestion can be removed...
Realized that what I really wanted was having this for payroll, not AP/AR - and there appears to be another item listed for this that I have voted on.