For users with Starship, add ability to pass customer UPS or FEDEX account numbers to Starship when freight is customer or 3rd party billed (without extended solution).


  • Larry, you can do this now with UDF's in the AR customer and ship to master. Pull the fields through to the SO. You can then pull the data into worldship. Use your ship via tables to determine the type of UPS service.

  • What about Starship? As far as I know, UDF fields aren't passed to Starship.

  • This is coming in version 10 of Starship.

  • Jeff - would love to learn more about this as I'm having the same trouble. However, have limited knowledge with UDF's.

  • with the latest version of starship you can do this, but with that said it should be native to MAS since this something everyone has to deal with.