Provide user options to prevent inventory from going negative during multiple types of transaction entry.


  • This could be done with the new scripting features in version 4.40.

  • A common question from end-users is "how do I turn off the ability to go negative in inventory?". It would be great if it were an option to allow inventory to go negative or not.

  • Quantity on Hand does not change until updated. Would be nice to show "Remaining Quantity" that would change during multiple Issues to avoid over issuing.

  • There are currently no controls in place, other than lot/distribution costing, that ensure BOMs or shipments do not drive inventory into the negative. From a control standpoint that would force users to "do things right". We would support such an option.

  • In SO Invoice Data Entry, SO Shipping Data Entry, Inventory Sales, Issues & Transfers Entry and BOM transactions, the use of a Popup similar to what is currently available in Sales Order Entry would be good. The options displayed in the Popup could be controled by Role based Module Options.

  • There is a fix available from Accounting Systems Inc for Version 4.3. If it is available, then perhaps Sage can put it into the system.

  • We still need the ability to go negative on quantities. Some contracts require an invoice prior to delivery. Therefore a negative quantity must be allowed until it is physically received into the system.

  • The negative inventory needs to be fixed. Here's some steps to re-produce this issue, I hope Sage is paying attention on this one, since it's got over 100 votes.

    *Average Valuation* - An item with only 100 qty on hand.


    1. Create transaction entry (Adjustment), remove 100 qty from an item (-100 qty)

    2. Saves transaction entry (don’t post yet)

    (Note: also happens with PO Return of Goods entry)


    1. Before user#1 posted the transaction entry, user#2 created a sales order with the same item, and invoiced the entire 100 qty

    2. User #2 updated/posted the invoiced batch, now the qty in Item Inquiry shows 0


    1. Posts the transaction entry

    2. Sage subtracts the 100 qty from the transaction entry, and now shows -100 under Item Inquiry

    *Lot Serial* - An item with only 100 qty on hand


    1. Create transaction entry (Adjustment), remove 100 qty from the lot (distribute)

    2. Saves transaction entry (it needs to be saved)

    3. Re-open the transaction entry, delete the line that was created in step 1 above, but leave the transaction entry window open, don't do anything else. (At this point, Sage already releases the distribution)


    1. User#2 created a sales order, invoice the order. Since the 100 qty was released from distribution, we can successfully distrbute the entire 100 qty onto the invoice.

    2. Save the invoice and post. At this point, Item Inquiry shows 0 for the lot. (Note: the user can just leave the invoice saved and post at a later time, will be the same result)


    1. While still in the original Transaction Entry window with the line item code deleted in the entry, for whatever reason, the user now decides to Cancel the Transaction Entry

    2. Upon cancelling the transaction entry, the 100 qty that was previously saved, got reverted, so Sage re-distributed back the 100 qty onto the lot

    3. User proceeds to post the Transaction Entry. Since the 100 qty was already taken by user#2's SO, posting this Transaction Entry will result in a negative 100 qty on the lot.