Make serial or lot attribute separate from valuation method. Some users wish to track lot and serial numbers for items but wish to still use FIFO, standard or some other inventory valuation method, not the specific identification method that currently is associated with lots and serialized inventory.
by: Larry E. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
Agree - this would make the system more flexible to adapt to the business needs of more companies.
agree - would add greatly to the flexibility of the systems for many more potential users.
I'm not quite sure what such a change would mean, but the lot valuation works perfectly for us just the way it is. We would not be happy with a change that either takes away the current functionality or makes it more cumbersome to achieve the same results.
Yes, users should still have the option of choosing lot/serial as a valuation method. But, such a choice should be independent of the ability to TRACK serial numbers and lots.
Agree. An automatic material issue, and still being able to track the lots would be great. Using the custom office UDF is a work around, but not flawless.
It should be understood that this enhancement would not necessarily provide historical integrity from receipt to manufacturing to sale to return, such as needed for FDA recall purposes. Most clients want to track the Lot/Serial# sold to a customer.