The current MRP report only allows printing by item number. The MRP action by vendor report does not provide the detail necessary to make actual decisions about item purchases.
This requires us to run and MRP and action by vendor, then use VI to export action items, then generate a crystal version of the MRP report sorted by vendor. This allows us to exclude items that do not have any actions and still get the detail we need to make purchasing decisions. Then we can create purchase orders for with multiple items for a vendor with a lot less manual sorting. And it allow me to break up my purchasing between buyers and each buyer to concentrate on only their vendors.
by: Dain C. | over a year ago | Manufacturing
The ability to save report settings and manipulate a copy of the crystal report like what is available in the Business Frame Work modules would help a lot here.
Custom crystal reports are very useful for this. I designed a series of MRP reports for Purchasing with select criteria that filter actions beyond 3 weeks out (we run MRP in weekly mode), and some that allow user to enter particular default vendor id or buyer number or planner number. Your report writer could be very helpful in this area.