A/R aged invoice report the aged date in the systemn should be the current date instead of the preset date
by: Michael W. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
by: Michael W. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
A/R aged invoice report the aged date in the systemn should be the current date instead of the preset date
by: Michael W. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
??? Date can be set at the time of printing already ??
There is also an option to age the info displayed in customer maintenance every time it is viewed.
this suggestion would make the product less flexible. the default aging date when entering the report screen is the AR accounting date. so either accept that date--which is probably "today", or enter some other date. Michael W should consider changing accounting date options so that "today" is set automatically.
AR and AP aging report dialog box leaves an old date in it (mine is from when I upgraded to 4.4. It's better to have it be blank, or default to current day or last day of previous month. Not hard coded, but what the default is. My preference would be for it to be blank. That would force you to put the correct date in.
The date is not the currect date or accounting date if you save as a new report with all your settings saved. Then the date is the date you saved your report for A/R & A/P aging reports. This date should be defaulted to the accounting date or currect date. SAGE! this needs to be fixed! What is the point of new features if they aren't going to work correctly. Please fix this.
I concur. Saved settings are saving the date from when the setting was saved. Needs to be left out and default to the current date or the module date.