Why are customers paying maintenance for Work Order if they ultimately aren't going to get an updated module? The modules need to be consistent.
by: Jim P. | over a year ago | Manufacturing
We have lost out many sales opportunities becuase of the outdated Work Order Module. It is time for modernizing this module and improving the "clunky" functionality!
We are in the manufacturing belt and have many customers using Work Order but they have struggles with some of the older technology (such as the 2gb limit and index files masing out at 1 million records. please roll this up to current business framework
Manufacturers are not getting much, if any, value for their annual maintenance when the software is not only left out of the framework upgrade, but they also get no real improvements to what they have. The framework upgrade will give their resellers the ability to do things with work order that we currently cannot do to help make up for its problems and outdated functionality. But even if you leave it in the old framework and don't give us the ability to help with those things, the least you can do is roll in some of the extended solutions that you are retiring, or listen to the work order client base and add some features that will make the module work better, make it easier to sell, and ultimately make customers happy with what they have. These customers seem to have been left out in the cold, and at least they deserve to have some new or improved features built in for the price of the maintenance they are paying each year.
Or Sage can just scrap Work Order altogether and buy JobOps from Synergistics. It's so much better of a solution than the Work Order/MRP side.
We have problems with material issues. The available quantity in item inquiry will show correctly, but sometimes when you try to distribute the material (ours is lotted) it will show a different figure. If you then cancel your transaction, the amount will be off by however much to tried to distribute. The only solution we have found is to rebuild the sort files. We have to do this about once every week.
Yet another problem with WO not being in the new framework is that you can't modify the existing reports because they aren't in Crystal format already. If Work Order had some more usable reports, this wouldnt be an issue. But with the limited capability of the existing reports, we NEED to be able to modify them.
PLEASE UPDATE WORKORDER. It has so much potential. MRP could be tweaked, workorder could run much more smoothly. Routing, steps, workcenters, they do work -- kindof -- but there is no flexibility. We currently schedule workorders outside of MAS because Workorder/MRP is missing some key features that we could use. Its frustrating to have to go outside the system when workorder/mrp could be such a powerful tool.
In addition, for costing and financial analysis, there should be work order options to allow automatic posting of the individual costs to the various accounts (direct material, direct labor, overhead, labor and material variances, etc.) rather than to just one COS account. From the accounting side, this could be great manufacturing software.
Routing Maintenance: Ability to move operations up / down, insert and delete, just like line items in Purchase Orders.
Currently MAS200 does not allow for moving routing operations. This functionality should be standard since manufacturing often requires many steps. Since manufacturers often have process improvements, this creates the need for equally frequent operation changes.
For example, it takes 20 operations to manufacture a particular item. If you needed to move step 0002 between 0005 and 0006, you have to delete all operations from 0002 through 0020 and completely re-write your operations. A work-around for this is to number operations as 0010, 0020, 0030, etc. This allows for up to 9 "sub-steps" in your standard operations. So, if you have to move step 2 between step 5 and 6, you can delete step 0020 and call it step 0055. Although this works, it is very inefficient and time consuming, and your work orders do not have a steady "step number flow" from a data processing and manufacturing standpoint.
Module: Work Order > Setup > OP Code Maintenance & Routing Maintenance -
When an operation code description is updated, ALL ROUTING THAT USES THIS OPERATION CODE SHOULD DYNAMICALLY UPDATE WITH THE NEW DESCRIPTION! It's makes no sense that the description change should be manually updated in potentially hundreds of routings that use THE SAME OPERATION. Please explain why routings are not dynamically updated with an operation code description change?
Module: Work Order > Setup > OP Code Maintenance & Routing Maintenance -
When an operation code description is updated, ALL ROUTING THAT USES THIS OPERATION CODE SHOULD DYNAMICALLY UPDATE WITH THE NEW DESCRIPTION! It's makes no sense that the description change should be manually updated in potentially hundreds of routings that use THE SAME OPERATION. Please explain why routings are not dynamically updated with an operation code description change? It is time consuming and should be unnecessary that every instance of the op code should have to be deleted and re-entered in Routing Maintenance.
Workorder, MRP need to come to the new framework, I know that for my business I will have to leave Sage products if the transition doesn't happen, and if it does the MRP product with bills needs to support single items in the bill irrespective of quantities planned. Otherwise supplies will always be an afterthought. Get it right Sage
When was the last time Sage issued an update or hot fix for WO? Sage has no business selling software that they won't support or improve. Why am I paying maintenance for this product?
I have lost many opportunities to sell Sage 100 when the deal includes work order requirements. What a shame that Sage has not addressed this module along with MRP.
This is an absolute necessity for my company. We need the ability to use the same modules as in Sage 100 v4.5.
We are extremely frustrated that Sage has ignored this issue for so long. We just went live with Sage in April of this year and had we known that the Work Order module was so bad we would have gone with something else.
At Sage Summit 2015, they indicated that this is now in the planning stage.
Please update Work Order to the current business framework. As the IT Manager at a large manufacturer I hear complaints about the work order module on a regular basis. Having no ability to customize anything within work order is very frustrating and we have been forced to create multiple Access databases as a work around to these limitations.
Recently I've heard that Sage has finally announced they are bringing WO into new business framework, but that it will only be available to users on subscription software version. For those of us who have been paying our maintenance for many years and have lots and lots of money invested in the perpetual license version, sounds like we're SOL. WOW. If true, Sage must have been having real problems convincing customers to continue paying maintenance while they made NO IMPROVEMENTS to Workorder. Had I known 6 years ago that WO was so bad would have gone with a different product.
I'm surprised to find this in the planned section, when as of version 2019, it's still not brought to the Business Framework. If by "planned" they mean that a third party product (additional licenses?) will be necessary to bring it to the Business Framework, I feel that it doesn't belong here.
We have lost out many sales opportunities becuase of the outdated Work Order Module. It is time for modernizing this module and improving the "clunky" functionality!
We are in the manufacturing belt and have many customers using Work Order but they have struggles with some of the older technology (such as the 2gb limit and index files masing out at 1 million records. please roll this up to current business framework
Manufacturers are not getting much, if any, value for their annual maintenance when the software is not only left out of the framework upgrade, but they also get no real improvements to what they have. The framework upgrade will give their resellers the ability to do things with work order that we currently cannot do to help make up for its problems and outdated functionality. But even if you leave it in the old framework and don't give us the ability to help with those things, the least you can do is roll in some of the extended solutions that you are retiring, or listen to the work order client base and add some features that will make the module work better, make it easier to sell, and ultimately make customers happy with what they have. These customers seem to have been left out in the cold, and at least they deserve to have some new or improved features built in for the price of the maintenance they are paying each year.
Or Sage can just scrap Work Order altogether and buy JobOps from Synergistics. It's so much better of a solution than the Work Order/MRP side.
We have problems with material issues. The available quantity in item inquiry will show correctly, but sometimes when you try to distribute the material (ours is lotted) it will show a different figure. If you then cancel your transaction, the amount will be off by however much to tried to distribute. The only solution we have found is to rebuild the sort files. We have to do this about once every week.
Yet another problem with WO not being in the new framework is that you can't modify the existing reports because they aren't in Crystal format already. If Work Order had some more usable reports, this wouldnt be an issue. But with the limited capability of the existing reports, we NEED to be able to modify them.
PLEASE UPDATE WORKORDER. It has so much potential. MRP could be tweaked, workorder could run much more smoothly. Routing, steps, workcenters, they do work -- kindof -- but there is no flexibility. We currently schedule workorders outside of MAS because Workorder/MRP is missing some key features that we could use. Its frustrating to have to go outside the system when workorder/mrp could be such a powerful tool.
In addition, for costing and financial analysis, there should be work order options to allow automatic posting of the individual costs to the various accounts (direct material, direct labor, overhead, labor and material variances, etc.) rather than to just one COS account. From the accounting side, this could be great manufacturing software.
Routing Maintenance: Ability to move operations up / down, insert and delete, just like line items in Purchase Orders.
Currently MAS200 does not allow for moving routing operations. This functionality should be standard since manufacturing often requires many steps.
Since manufacturers often have process improvements, this creates the need for equally frequent operation changes.
For example, it takes 20 operations to manufacture a particular item. If you needed to move step 0002 between 0005 and 0006, you have to delete all operations from 0002 through 0020 and completely re-write your operations.
A work-around for this is to number operations as 0010, 0020, 0030, etc. This allows for up to 9 "sub-steps" in your standard operations. So, if you have to move step 2 between step 5 and 6, you can delete step 0020 and call it step 0055.
Although this works, it is very inefficient and time consuming, and your work orders do not have a steady "step number flow" from a data processing and manufacturing standpoint.
Module: Work Order > Setup > OP Code Maintenance & Routing Maintenance -
When an operation code description is updated, ALL ROUTING THAT USES THIS OPERATION CODE SHOULD DYNAMICALLY UPDATE WITH THE NEW DESCRIPTION! It's makes no sense that the description change should be manually updated in potentially hundreds of routings that use THE SAME OPERATION. Please explain why routings are not dynamically updated with an operation code description change?
Module: Work Order > Setup > OP Code Maintenance & Routing Maintenance -
When an operation code description is updated, ALL ROUTING THAT USES THIS OPERATION CODE SHOULD DYNAMICALLY UPDATE WITH THE NEW DESCRIPTION! It's makes no sense that the description change should be manually updated in potentially hundreds of routings that use THE SAME OPERATION. Please explain why routings are not dynamically updated with an operation code description change? It is time consuming and should be unnecessary that every instance of the op code should have to be deleted and re-entered in Routing Maintenance.
Workorder, MRP need to come to the new framework, I know that for my business I will have to leave Sage products if the transition doesn't happen, and if it does the MRP product with bills needs to support single items in the bill irrespective of quantities planned. Otherwise supplies will always be an afterthought. Get it right Sage
When was the last time Sage issued an update or hot fix for WO?
Sage has no business selling software that they won't support or improve.
Why am I paying maintenance for this product?
I have lost many opportunities to sell Sage 100 when the deal includes work order requirements. What a shame that Sage has not addressed this module along with MRP.
This is an absolute necessity for my company. We need the ability to use the same modules as in Sage 100 v4.5.
We are extremely frustrated that Sage has ignored this issue for so long. We just went live with Sage in April of this year and had we known that the Work Order module was so bad we would have gone with something else.
At Sage Summit 2015, they indicated that this is now in the planning stage.
Please update Work Order to the current business framework. As the IT Manager at a large manufacturer I hear complaints about the work order module on a regular basis. Having no ability to customize anything within work order is very frustrating and we have been forced to create multiple Access databases as a work around to these limitations.
Recently I've heard that Sage has finally announced they are bringing WO into new business framework, but that it will only be available to users on subscription software version. For those of us who have been paying our maintenance for many years and have lots and lots of money invested in the perpetual license version, sounds like we're SOL. WOW. If true, Sage must have been having real problems convincing customers to continue paying maintenance while they made NO IMPROVEMENTS to Workorder. Had I known 6 years ago that WO was so bad would have gone with a different product.
I'm surprised to find this in the planned section, when as of version 2019, it's still not brought to the Business Framework. If by "planned" they mean that a third party product (additional licenses?) will be necessary to bring it to the Business Framework, I feel that it doesn't belong here.