For v4.4, the role maintenance security spreadsheet had in excess of 1,100 lines of security settings. While many are obvious, there are many that aren't. Trying to locate the appropriate setting to modify when a user encounters a "not authorized" can be EXTREMELY time consuming. Some of the memorable ones have taken hours to determine where the "secret" setting was located. Several times, I have had to export the role maintenance setting for two different roles in order to compare where they differed to track down the appropriate setting.
Please add a security code to the error panel which can be used as a cross reference to the appropriate role setting!!!!!!!!!
by: Jeff S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
excellent idea for a solution to a real problem!
Just ran into this problem today. Vendor installed Job Ops and no one could get into Sales Order Entry or view sales order. Role setting was in the Job Ops security tab. Jeff's comment about sometimes taking hours to find the correct settings is SO true and VERY frustrating. PLEASE work on this!
Great idea - or at least a really good help to point us in the right direction!
We need an "Effective" or "Resultant" security trace tool, so that things can be tracked down. In the Windows world something like Active Directory's "Resultant Set Of Policies" or "RSOP". there needs to be a easy and fast way to find out "Why" and "Where" instead of just the error.
In the 2021 Release, a “More Info” link has been added to the not authorized messages that display when the associated security option has not been selected.
For example, if you select Remove Voided Checks under the the A/P Utilities Menu and the message "You are not authorized to access this program" displays, click the new "More Info" link and it will tell you which security option needs to be selected, "To access this task, you must start Role Maintenance, click the Security Options tab, and then select the Allow User Access to Remove Voided Checks check box."