When reviewing an inventory transaction that came from the PO or WO module, you see the associated transaction number, but not the source document number. When reviewing inventory transactions, it is important to see the PO or WO number that the transaction was associated with. Adding a "Source Doc #" field into the file to store that information would be extremely helpful for anyone dealing with inventory. Then you could provide a drill down into the associated inquiry program, just like you get when drilling into a SO Invoice transaction. Finding the source document number requires you to leave Inventory Inquiry and go to an Inquiry option or Report in the other module just to get that WO or PO number. It is particularly difficult to find on the WO side.
by: Jeff L. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
I had to create a button on the inventory transactions tab so my customer could find the WO # for WR transaction types.
And, while you're at it (Sage) write the Job Number to this table for II transactions when J/C is integrated
BTW, the Work Order Efficiency module from ACS Group makes this happen, along with some other really cool features for WO. But we shouldn't have to buy a mod to get something simple like this.
The new Production Management module, included in the 2022 Release, displays the Work Ticket Number, Step Number and Work Ticket Description on the Transactions tab in I/M Item Maintenance/Inquiry. The fields have also been added to the IM_ItemTransactionHistory table. This table also includes the ReceiptHistoryPurchseOrderNo.