Provide a report, similar to the Costed Bill of Materials Report in the BM module, that would provide an audit listing of all cost inputs for a manufactured item, including materials from the BOM and all the labor, overhead, outside processing and other miscellaneous costs that come in from the routings.

Currently to review the inputs that make up a planned cost, you actually have to create a dummy work order. The Cost Rollup Register will give you the end result, but no details. Without creating a work order, there is no way to get a report of this information. An audit report would help those in engineering and manufacturing verify the information and easily spot errors or corrections that are needed.


  • In addition, for proper costing and financial analysis, there need to be work order options to allow automatic posting of the individual costs to the various accounts (direct material, direct laabor, overhead, labor and material variances, etc.) rather than to just one COS account.

  • Those accounts are set up in the WO Options.

  • In WO Inquiry, there are the tabs with detail information - Operations is the routing with completion %; Materials is the BOM showing items required and items issued; Transactions is a detail list of all posted transactions to the work order. The On Demand Cost Ledger shows these details on a work order basis.

    I designed a cost report in Excel and then had our VAR write a Crystal Report. It can be by date (with a date range) or by item (with ability to add items you want to review). It shows sell price and over/under sell price costs.