Add a button in W/O Transaction Entry for Material Issue transactions that would display a list of all material listed as required in the work order, along with the quantity required and the quantity issued to date. Also provide the option to enter an amount to issue on each item, and an option to 'Issue Remaining' with the click of a button.

For users who utilize the manual issue method, this would significantly speed up the material entry process and help prevent over and under issues of materials due to the added visibility of the materials already issued.


  • 2 years ago....
    Right now, the binocular button tells you what item you need. But we also need to know the amount of the inventory to issue. Auto issue would be fantastic.

  • Production Management has replaced Work Order.
    We are making improvements to the workflow when entering material issues in Work Ticket Transaction Entry. These changes will be available in the 2023 Release, scheduled for April 2023.