Greatly reduce the steps to setting a purchase order to a status of complete with backordered items or status.
by: Roberta V. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
by: Roberta V. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
Greatly reduce the steps to setting a purchase order to a status of complete with backordered items or status.
by: Roberta V. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
I agree, there should be a check box you can select in the Purchase order to force it to close. Not always will Order Qty = Received Qty = Invoice Qty, which are the parameters for a PO to be marked as closed.
In IM - Item Maintenance there is a box on the items that can be checked or unchecked "Allow Back Orders" - it would be great to have at the customer level as suggested above. Unfortunately this button only works on Sales Orders. It would be nice to have this button also work the same for Purchase Orders.
On a Sales Orider If the “Allow Back Orders” is not checked, the system should give you the following message if trying to enter a backordered amount in Sales Order:
"Back orders are not allowed for this item."
Also, if invoicing a Sales Order and shipped is less than ordered, the Sales Order will complete instead of remaining Sales Order Entry with a back ordered quantity.
The ability to quickly close a partially received purchase order will be added in the 2024 Release, scheduled for April 2024.
This feature has been added in the 2024 Release, available on April 18/24.