If your screen resolution is big like 1680 * 1050, certain module window's detail cannot be edited (PO Entry is a good example).

Resolution ID: 495563 presents a workaround by moving the window to the center of the screen. But it's a very annoying workaround and limits productivity severely.

I shouldn't be the only one who has 21"+ monitor and like to have many windows open!


  • Note that this happens ONLY on legacy modules.

  • The Font size needs to be bigger. Reading in 6pt type is not easy for old eyes. And we are not so youthful as you. Please take pity on your elders old eyes.

  • We all have larger monitors now! the age of the 11" display is gone. SO and BOM entry should have a larger window and display more lines for the data entry. Get rid of so many tabs and put more stuff on one window. There is plenty of room for SO lines and Header on one view. Ditto for BOM.

  • Make it possible to make the font larger in the windows and boxes. The font is much smaller on my new widescreen montiors and I have to strain to read the text. I'm only 41!

  • Also, MAS "button" graphics disappear on our larger monitors as we squint to see the fonts. Larger Font size PLEASE.

    We have converted a majority of our users to larger 23" wide screen monitors and still see MAS as if it were on an 11".

  • These screens need to scale. With all the new hardware in the last few years, this issue should be reclassified from Idea to Bug. Is this a Providex issue?

  • Agreed. This was reasonable when VGA was high resolution, but we are WAY past that point...

  • Regarding Dawn's comment above, we are regularly seeing screen issues on large high resolution monitors in both Leagacy and BF modules. Our latest is small fields like check boxes show black and small buttons don't show the button label or icon. If this is a providex language issue, it needs to be addressed. Sage 100 needs to be confortable to use on current and future monitors used for business.

  • Wow, two years since it was first requested and we are STILL waiting?????????? C'mon Sage, this is the type of enhancement we expect our maintenance and support dollars to be used for!!! Give us a reason to stay on support.

  • Ditto to what the others said. This is beyond silly and why Sage's customer base is shrinking.