utility. Just looked at IM in v4.4 and this ability does not exist. Oddly, the extended description key field is present but the extended description table is not part of the lookup.


  • I agree; this would be helpful. Sometimes the extended description contains data that the short description does not have.

  • Completely agree! Our company needs this capability yesterday.

  • This ability was added to PU 3 or PU 4 for v4.40.

  • This used to be an Extended Solution named "Instant Item Description Key Word Search", but I saw nothing touting the fact that it was included in one of the Product Updates......I have a few clients with this Extended Solution. You would think I would have jumped at this one!!!! But I missed it.

  • GetX Search for MAS 90/200 makes this fast. You can search virtually any data in MAS from one location.


    Contact info@xkzero.com or 847.238.3106 for more information.

  • In order to search by the extended description you must create lookup via the Lookup Customization Wizard.

    After you create a name you like, I used Extended view, click next and scroll all the way to the bottom and locate CI_ExtendedDescription (10th from the bottom). Expand that selection and select ExtendedDescriptionKey and move it over the the selected columns. Once it is over there you can position that column in what ever order you prefer.