Since the purpose of a lookup using ALE is to search for something, why isn't the default focus field when the window comes up the input search text field? I realize that you can put in a letter or number and then hit the F2 key which filters based on what you've put in or if there isn't anything with your input puts the focus on the input search text field at that time but it would be nice if it were able to happen by default every time you pulled up the ALE. It would be perfect if it could do everything it does currently except have the default focus field be the input search text field.
by: Jeremy S. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
I may have misunderstood, but we do that using custom on lookups where we need that feature. On short lists, we really don't wnat it that way.
GetX allows you to search for data across modules, tasks and companies without requiring you to know where in the system to find it. Here is an example of searching data in inventory extended item descriptions, a nearly impossible look up with standard MAS 90/200.
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