In PO Receipt History Inquiry and on the PO Receipt History Report, Receipt of Invoice transactions show only the totals. In order to view the invoiced quantities and costs, you have to go to the AP Invoice History Inqiury program and key in the invoice number.
It is a time-waster to have to go into the PO to see the PO status and item information, realize you have to do some research and then go to PO Receipt History Inquiry/Report, then have to go to AP and use all these different inquiry screens and reports to piece together what has actually been transacted on that PO. If the Invoice information was displayed in Receipt History Inquiry and on the report, at least you would only have to go one other place besides the PO to do your research. (See also my suggestion on providing all of this information on a tab within the PO Entry/Inquiry program, eliminating the need to go anywhere else but PO Entry/Inquiry to see all information about the PO!! What a huge time savings that would be!)
by: Jeff L. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
So True. Also need to provide the PO Line number for all transactions and during PO Receipt of Goods and Receipt of Invoice.
This would be GREAT, as of now a lot of the research i need is in po's that have been purged from our system so there is no way to see what was on the line items.
I agree it would make research much easier.
This information is available in AP_InvoiceHistoryDetail.m4t. Adding these lines in PO Receipt History Inquiry/Report would be helpful in reconciling.
Not certain if it is a canned report, but the vendor's alias item number would be helpful along with the quantities on the report.
Available in the 2021 Release