Add this ability back to the systm Please!!!. This is critical to so many of my clients
by: ANNE P. | over a year ago | Sales & Distribution
I agree if the costing feature being used by company is FIFO. We use Standard Cost as the cost which our Sales Reps see and that cost changes suddenly.
You can still change the standard cost of an item that is not valued at Standard Cost without going through the utilty. The only time the field is locked and prevents changing without using the utility is if the item is valued at Standard Cost AND the item has an OH Quantity. If you're valued at any other method, provided you have access to Item Maintenance, you may change at will.
I like the utility and it makes good sense. However, need to allow users to enter the changes while other users are in the system. Keeping the requirement to have users out of inventory when posting would be fine but when a client is changing hundreds of items its important to be able to enter it during operating hours.
I agree it would be very helpful to allow entry into Standard cost price change while users are in the system and then get everyone out while updating.
It is imperative that we have this ability. We can not hire a separate purchasing just to come in at Midnight when other users are not in the system to enter cost changes. Our company has over 6000 SKU's in use with cost changes happening hourly. Sage needs to realize MAS 200 is used by large companies, not just mom and pop's with SKU's that change annually.
Roberta Vigil - Product Management: Please feel free to contact me with your business scenarios. The intent of the utility being locked while users were in the system was to maintain tight data integrity to ensure balancing across the system. It appears from the above there are business practices that require more flexibility for on the fly adjustment to standard cost. It would be beneficial for us to understand what level of data integrity would be acceptable to businesses while allowing for more flexibility in standard cost adjustment.
We changed the standard regularly using version 4.2 and never had problems with data integrity.
My inventory manager and purchasing manager update Standard Costs regularly and need this functionality back.
I can do adjustments, transfers, etc... all while people are in the system. We use Standard Cost as the valuation for nearly all items and previously we could update using a VI Job. The problem is that with the VI job there was never a record of when and what the change to Standard Cost was. The new feature is great, but it is crutial to our accounting deptartment to be able to change the Standard Cost whenever they see fit. Kicking everyone out of the system (WorkOrder included) causes our company to stop working. This just isn't an option.
Not having the Standard Cost facility is crippling our business. We are a small business and we recieve in inventory daily and costs change daily. It is vital to be able to change Standard Cost while people are in the system. We can't stop our shipping, sales and marketing departments while we do this several times a day. PLEASE, FIX THIS!!! Why were we not told that this limitation was existant with the upgrade, we would have never unpgraded!
I would also like to see the ability to allow entry into Standard cost price change while users are in the system and then get everyone out while updating
Controlling changes in standard cost is a good thing. However, not enabling a change to be made when any trasactions are unposted make the utility very difficult to work with.
It is possible to import into the utility. Users could update a spreadsheet thoughout the day and all the changes could be run when everyone is out of the system. The import is very easy to set up, there are only two fields. The standard cost item and the cost you want to change to. The import Table Name is CI_StandardCostAdjustmentSelection. You will need to update the register after the import.
It would be nice to be able to import an Excel spread sheet in to the selection screen so you would not have to enter them all one by one...
Why not make the ability to update standard cost an option to select. If allow override is set to N then those users will have to use the utility, you could make that the default setting. Otherwise if set to Y, the company can elect to manually override the value or update it from VI. Thanks
Allow users to enter changes into the utility while CI_Item is in use and lock the update of the changes until users are out of the system.
I agree with Janna, PLEASE allow us to make changes. We were able to do this before the last 2 updates.
The inability to enter standard cost changes and schedule them to run later is a big deficiency and definitely needs to be fixed ASAP. This has been sitting open for a while, Sage has indicated they know it needs to be addressed, and asked for feedback. They've received it, so let's see some results!
But I do want to say that beyond the need to key the changes anytime and schedule the update, this has been a MUCH needed change that was long overdue for an enterprise level accounting solution like Sage 100. Allowing anyone with access to Item Maintenance to change standards, without the software booking the GL entries REQUIRED in any accounting system to keep the inventory detail value in balance with the GL, was an enormous hole in the controls that should be in place on a system of this caliber. It was a constant source of support calls, frustration, and audit problems for users trying to maintain proper accounting controls and data integrity, and I'm glad its been fixed.
Most people who are frustrated with this probably don't realize the link between standard cost changes and the GL, they're just trying to get their jobs done efficiently and have the system use the most up-to-date costing info available. If that is an accurate description of your frustration, the software isn't really what needs to change, its more likely that Standard Cost is not the right valuation method for your company. Routinely changing standards on existing items is essentially back-door implementing an actual cost methodology within a standard costing system, which is labor intensive to maintain and can have tax and audit repercussions.
You wouldn't generally refer to something as a "standard" if it is or may be routinely changed. So consider visiting with your CPA about changing to a valuation method that's designed to give you up-to-date costs. Using FIFO/LIFO or Average will do much more to get the information you need, and the system will actually do most of the work for you.
I agree if the costing feature being used by company is FIFO. We use Standard Cost as the cost which our Sales Reps see and that cost changes suddenly.
You can still change the standard cost of an item that is not valued at Standard Cost without going through the utilty. The only time the field is locked and prevents changing without using the utility is if the item is valued at Standard Cost AND the item has an OH Quantity. If you're valued at any other method, provided you have access to Item Maintenance, you may change at will.
I like the utility and it makes good sense. However, need to allow users to enter the changes while other users are in the system. Keeping the requirement to have users out of inventory when posting would be fine but when a client is changing hundreds of items its important to be able to enter it during operating hours.
I agree it would be very helpful to allow entry into Standard cost price change while users are in the system and then get everyone out while updating.
It is imperative that we have this ability. We can not hire a separate purchasing just to come in at Midnight when other users are not in the system to enter cost changes. Our company has over 6000 SKU's in use with cost changes happening hourly. Sage needs to realize MAS 200 is used by large companies, not just mom and pop's with SKU's that change annually.
Roberta Vigil - Product Management:
Please feel free to contact me with your business scenarios.
The intent of the utility being locked while users were in the system was to maintain tight data integrity to ensure balancing across the system. It appears from the above there are business practices that require more flexibility for on the fly adjustment to standard cost. It would be beneficial for us to understand what level of data integrity would be acceptable to businesses while allowing for more flexibility in standard cost adjustment.
We changed the standard regularly using version 4.2 and never had problems with data integrity.
My inventory manager and purchasing manager update Standard Costs regularly and need this functionality back.
I can do adjustments, transfers, etc... all while people are in the system. We use Standard Cost as the valuation for nearly all items and previously we could update using a VI Job. The problem is that with the VI job there was never a record of when and what the change to Standard Cost was. The new feature is great, but it is crutial to our accounting deptartment to be able to change the Standard Cost whenever they see fit. Kicking everyone out of the system (WorkOrder included) causes our company to stop working. This just isn't an option.
Not having the Standard Cost facility is crippling our business. We are a small business and we recieve in inventory daily and costs change daily. It is vital to be able to change Standard Cost while people are in the system. We can't stop our shipping, sales and marketing departments while we do this several times a day. PLEASE, FIX THIS!!! Why were we not told that this limitation was existant with the upgrade, we would have never unpgraded!
I would also like to see the ability to allow entry into Standard cost price change while users are in the system and then get everyone out while updating
Controlling changes in standard cost is a good thing. However, not enabling a change to be made when any trasactions are unposted make the utility very difficult to work with.
It is possible to import into the utility. Users could update a spreadsheet thoughout the day and all the changes could be run when everyone is out of the system. The import is very easy to set up, there are only two fields. The standard cost item and the cost you want to change to. The import Table Name is CI_StandardCostAdjustmentSelection. You will need to update the register after the import.
It would be nice to be able to import an Excel spread sheet in to the selection screen so you would not have to enter them all one by one...
Why not make the ability to update standard cost an option to select. If allow override is set to N then those users will have to use the utility, you could make that the default setting. Otherwise if set to Y, the company can elect to manually override the value or update it from VI. Thanks
Allow users to enter changes into the utility while CI_Item is in use and lock the update of the changes until users are out of the system.
I agree with Janna, PLEASE allow us to make changes. We were able to do this before the last 2 updates.
The inability to enter standard cost changes and schedule them to run later is a big deficiency and definitely needs to be fixed ASAP. This has been sitting open for a while, Sage has indicated they know it needs to be addressed, and asked for feedback. They've received it, so let's see some results!
But I do want to say that beyond the need to key the changes anytime and schedule the update, this has been a MUCH needed change that was long overdue for an enterprise level accounting solution like Sage 100. Allowing anyone with access to Item Maintenance to change standards, without the software booking the GL entries REQUIRED in any accounting system to keep the inventory detail value in balance with the GL, was an enormous hole in the controls that should be in place on a system of this caliber. It was a constant source of support calls, frustration, and audit problems for users trying to maintain proper accounting controls and data integrity, and I'm glad its been fixed.
Most people who are frustrated with this probably don't realize the link between standard cost changes and the GL, they're just trying to get their jobs done efficiently and have the system use the most up-to-date costing info available. If that is an accurate description of your frustration, the software isn't really what needs to change, its more likely that Standard Cost is not the right valuation method for your company. Routinely changing standards on existing items is essentially back-door implementing an actual cost methodology within a standard costing system, which is labor intensive to maintain and can have tax and audit repercussions.
You wouldn't generally refer to something as a "standard" if it is or may be routinely changed. So consider visiting with your CPA about changing to a valuation method that's designed to give you up-to-date costs. Using FIFO/LIFO or Average will do much more to get the information you need, and the system will actually do most of the work for you.