In MAS 200 the user Automatic Logoff setting feature triggers after a designated time with no 'Activity'. Currently, 'Activity' is defined as 'Write' activity only, such as data entry. It would benefit us if 'Activity' also included non-write activity, such as lookups, screen views, report previews, etc. This way, if trying to limit users from hanging in MAS and absorbing a license when not really using it, we're not kicking off users out who are actively doing lookups, screen views, and report previews. Currently MAS views them as inactive.
by: Brent Z. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
MAS90 user on version 4.40 PU6. Set up users to Auto Logoff after 10 minutes. This is causing users to be kicked out while in the middle of transactions. One user was entering a Sales Order and one was running a report. This actually seems to be more of a program issue than enhancement request.
Sage 100 Advanced 2013 PU4 with 30 users. I invoked this feature and it's kicking users out mid data entry (in SO and PO modules). This feature is supposed to benefit customers by automatically logging off inactive users. Under what circumstances can this utility be "working as designed" when the net result is that it terminates a session without saving the work?
Clearly, Sage hasn't performed any usability testing or polled users to discern whether losing an entire SO Invoice with 10-20 lines causes frustration. And which customers does this impact? Mostly heavy hitters, the very ones who need it most. When searching the old KB for this feature, we can see a long history of problems with this utility. Instead of re-designing it to make it usable, Sage just updated it to display a warning before the user gets booted out. Frankly, customers deserve better and Sage ought to design features that promote a positive experience.
Not sure why I even bother to spend the time voting for the great ideas that don't stand a chance of being implemented. But I will!
Testing?? Isn't that what the channel is for?
I'd like to vote for this.
Also noted that with data entry screen open and no activity, user is asked to exit but buttons work anywhere. They can't complete or save the entry. They can't X out. Need to use task manager or reboot PC. Maybe that is unique to us but...