In S/O Invoice Printing you currently have the option of printing in Invoice or Warehouse order. Please add Alphabetical Order by customer name to these options.


  • This would be great... We sometime bill 100-200 invoices in a batch and if we could have the sort in Alphabetical order when they are printed out it would cut filing time down. I am sure there would be a lot of other companies that do batch invoicing feel the same way....

  • Agreed! I sort through the invoices and stuff envelopes, and I always wait to seal them because invariably, some will be missed on the first pass and I'll have to add invoices to a few. I learned that the hard way.

  • Pleas implement this soon, it makes sense!
    Also, add the feature to sort by employee last name / first name in your payroll check printing report!
    Thank you,
    Mark Cianciosi

  • Sorting by customer number would work too.