One business segment we have acts as a manufacturer's rep. Using Visual Integrator, we pre-loaded a few thousand items from a particular manufactuer to cut down on set up time for our salespeople. However, the manufactuer no longer produces that line.

We have a couple of thousand items that have no sales or purchase history. We would like to create a unique product line (say DEAD, or KILL), that we can utilize for massive removal of "obsolete" items. We know we can use Visual Integrator to easily change the "product line" or even the "vendor" for all items purchased from a particular vendor. However, there is no way to delete items based on "product line" or "vendor". There is no reasonable way for us to use the "item number range" feature in the "Delete and Change Items" utility in the inventory module.

Keeping these items in inventory creates the potential for salespeople to mistakenly quote or sell the product that does not exist, other than in the system.

Also, I would think this is a significant housekeeping issue for many users, especially those that have been using MAS90 for many years.

If you have any ideas, please share them :-).


  • Could you not import into the item delete utility just like you imported items everything in the DEAD product line?