For a long time there have been issues where certain programs fail to take in to account a sequence number when looking for a unique record. Sequence numbers are created when Duplicate GL Journal numbers, AP Check Numbersk, AR Invoice numbers, etc are hand entered. When a program doesn't take in to account the sequence number, it pickes up the lowest numbered sequence number and if there are duplicates, it may be the wrong record. We encourage clients to be careful of duplicates; however, by design the mechanism is there to handle it.
It would be beneficial if the programs or routines that suffer this issue could be found and corrected. We recently had this issue in a 4.3 install where the Payment History drill down from GL Account Maintenance pulled up the wrong record.


  • We have this issue when drilling down from Item Inquiry into an invoice. If the Invoice was deleted and then later processed, it reaches the deleted record in the drill down. This was fine in 4.3 because you could use the chevron arrows to toggle to the next record. In 4.4 those chevrons are grayed out. Even just having the ability to toggle to the next record again would be an improvement.