Currently, the documentation indicates that "MRP does not consider Bill Options when running the generation process. Bill Options are not supported". This results in incorrect recommendations made by MRP.
Item A with Options 1,2,3
Selecting Option 1 means to remove Item A and replace it with Item B.
Enter a Sales Order for Item A, Option 1 which in turn means that Item B should be ordered.
Run MRP Generation makes a recommendation to make Item A when it should be making Item B. This results in having too much of Item A on hand and being short on Item B.

Note: If the Sales Order is converted to a Work Order, the system recognizes the Bill Option changes in Work Order Entry during MRP Generation. The system should recognize the Bill Options in Sales Order Entry also.


  • Now that Sage is working on updating MRP can they address this as well. Adding the ability to create work ticket for sales order and have options included in IRP calculations so that one gets a correct quantity of raw materials to purchase.