Please add a detailed comment listing the MAS 90 and 200 modules and/or business processes you would need to perform on an iPhone, iPad, or Android as well as any other type of mobile device you would use in your business.
by: Sean L. | over a year ago | General Enhancements
Sales Order! AR! IM
SO, AR & IM.
This app is available today for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It's called iSales 100 by xkzero. or
It is also available in the Apple App Store and Google Play store from Scanco. Scanco Sales allows you to create and edit sales order, customers, contacts, as well as have the ability to browse inventory. Operates in realtime when a connection is established.
would like to be able to view inventory on a mobile device such as a Samsung Galaxy S7
We are running Sage 100 ERP